- 1 Epoisses cheese
- 1 pot gingerbread mustard
- 100 g butter
- 1 salad, according to the season
- Salt, pepper, water
Take the nonettes and cut off the tips of the tops. Using a teaspoon, empty the centre of each one to the top of the marmalade centre. Fill the centre of the nonette with the Epoisses, forming a dome. Place in a warm oven to melt the Epoisses without burning the gingerbread.
Place 5 cl water in a saucepan together with a teaspoon of wine vinegar. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Using a whisk, incorporate the butter into the mixture. Once the vinaigrette has emulsified, reduce heat to simmering and incorporate a tablespoon of gingerbread mustard. Replace the tops back on the hot nonettes and place one on each plate, together with a few seasonal salad leaves. Pour a thin stream of warm vinaigrette around the plate.

(Français) Douceur piquante

(Français) Nuage sur le lac Léman

(Français) Pause dans les sous-bois

(Français) Macaron à la moutarde

(Français) Paleron de bœuf à la moutarde aux cèpes et au thé fumé

(Français) Pâté en croûte sucrine et crème de moutarde aux feuilles de coriandre & à l’orange

Crunchy salad with langoustines

Roast epoisses in a gingerbread and orange nonette

Cod in Fallot mustard with gingerbread crumbs

Calf’s head sauce Gribiche prepared our way

Rabbit cooked several ways

Chicken Fricassee with Fallot Dijon Tarragon Mustard

Thick salmon with Fallot Dijon Basil Mustard

Snails and Squid in Dijon Mustard

Pig’s Trotters Cromesquis with Fallot mustard “à l’ancienne”

Chantilly Oysters with Burgundy Verjuice

Fresh Crayfish Delight, Virgin Citrus and Tarragon Mustard

St. Pierre Fillet, Asparagus and Walnut Mustard

Red Mullet Artichoke Basil Mustard

Rice Crackers with Basil Mustard

Roasted Pigeon, Morels in Fallot Hot Mustard Cream

Calf’s Head Seasoned with Tarragon Mustard

Beef Fillet with Carrots, Fallot Blackcurrant Mustard

Jumbo Gambas à la Plancha, Fennel with White Balsamic Vinegar