Red Mullet Artichoke Basil Mustard

Red Mullet Artichoke Basil Mustard
Serves 4

4 filets of red mullet
1 bag of artichoke hearts
8 pieces of violet artichoke
4 pieces of salt-candied lemon
8 pieces of sugar-candied kumquat
8 pieces of taggiasca olives
1 jar of basil mustard
2 dl white stock

olive oil, white wine, salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar

1- Gently heat a large amount of olive oil. Pour in the bag of artichoke hearts and roll them in the oil. Pour in the white wine to cover, then flambé. When the artichokes are cooked, mash them into a purée. Follow the above steps for the violet artichokes.

2- Thin the basil mustard with the white stock.

3- At the last moment, heat a drop of oil in a non-stick frying pan and sear your red mullet filets.

4- Create quenelles (dumplings) with the puréed artichokes. Accompany with the violet artichokes, the basil mustard, then drizzle with balsamic vinegar. Set up the seasoning.

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